Saturday, April 25, 2015


While riding bikes...

Dawson:  My damn butt's wet.
Me:  What?!?
Dawson:  My damn butt's wet.
Me:  Don't say that!  It's a bad word!
Dawson:  You say it all the time!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Exciting News...

Dawson shared with us that he asked Jesus into his heart a couple of weeks ago. 

We (Andrea and I) aren't trying to make nothing out of something or something out of something, so we have let it be for the past two weeks.  He has kept going back to it so far.  We are still taking the hands off approach but it is exciting to see Dawson to acknowledge that he needs Jesus in his heart. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Great News!!!

Grandpa Dale asked Jesus into his heart and is now saved on Easter Sunday 04/05/2015!!! God is great!!!